Report from Life

RFL is my personal blog about my life in New York City. I blog to share my stories with friends.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Crooner Jazz Vocal performance honoring WNYC's Jonathan Schwartz, River to river festival, Rockefeller Park

     This show was my first attendance at a long Crooner show. It was in Rockefeller Park by the Hudson. Having just rain-showed, the grass was wet---perfect for sitting down on my butt.
      I used to listen to Jonathan Schwartz DJing those vocal songs, including Sinatra and other contemporary singers on WNYC public radio. Listening live is a little bit more exciting. There were a lot of older audiance---which means peace and quiet. They were annoyed by a few kids running around, laughing out loud. But it is hard not to enjoy such a beautiful evening at the Hudson River.

      Concert ended at 9:30pm, time to head to meet up with my friend Thao at Verlaine's, problem was---where the heck is Thao. 

     "How come this bar has so many Asians?" 
     Whatever I did, I couldn't find Thao. So I headed home.

       Woke up this morning, saw a text messege, "OMG, U left? I was there, you didn't see me?" 

      It's hard to spot an Asian among Asians in the dark space.

      Last night I dreamed of my father. He came to visit me. He was shorter now, still 6 feet. Maybe he was getting older or I got bigger. But he was the same way---happy but caring. He was networking for my job

     He bought me a bus ticket for but didn't tell me where I was headed. I asked but he wouldn't answer. So I had to tell him if he doesn't tell me I won't go. He then said it is going to Connecticut! What?! I say, why??
He replied, "There are more Californians in Connectict than any other places."
    I thought, oh my god, is this his idea of networking?

    I woke up.


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